We are now offering televisits. These are medical visits with audio and video. Because coronavirus is highly infectious, televisits can help slow the spread of the virus.

At the time of your appointment I will send you a text to your smart phone with a link so that we can talk via video.

If you do not have a smartphone the visit can be done on a laptop through the Healow app.

To make televisits as productive as possible, please:

  1. Log onto Healow app 15 minutes before scheduled visit

  2. Have a pen and paper ready

  3. Remember to allow the app to access your camera and microphone

  4. Have your blood pressure and blood sugar numbers handy

  5. Have all your medications handy in their original containers

  6. Have a list of questions ready

  7. Know your pharmacy name and address

  8. Please don’t sit with a bright window behind you

The easiest way to request a televisit is through the Healow app, send me a message requesting an appointment

Please note that televisits are billable to your insurance and that co-pays apply.